We all love our furry friends, but their pee can cause damage in the grass. Dog pee contains a high concentrate of ammonia and nitrogen. If your dog pees in the same spot repeatedly, over time the grass will begin to thin out and eventually die. We often see this...
It’s summer and we want to keep the grass green so what do you do? Possibly one of the most asked questions this time of the year, “How long do I run my sprinkler system?” There are several factors that go into answering this question. What kind of heads do you...
With it getting hot 2 things are going to happen. Chinch bugs are about to become active and yards are about to get dry. It’s important to know the difference between the two because the can easily be confused and look very similar. It’s not uncommon for people to...
As it warms up we have 3 tips for lawn to make things better. 1: Make sure you are cutting your grass higher than normal. As the grass gets taller it will also get thicker. Thicker grass leads to healthier grass and better roots. The taller grass also offers...
Have you ever noticed your sago palms having babies! If you stop and pay close attention you will notice that coming off the main trunk of your main sago are new palms forming. This is why over time your once normal looking palm now is exploding! It’s safe to...