Dallisgrass is one of the harder weeds to get rid of, as the root system is so large and goes so deep that pre-emergents will not kill existing weeds. It can prevent new patches, however. Another issue with dallisgrass is that it can spread very easily from yard to yard via mowers, wind, birds, among several other ways. There are two ways to get rid of dallisgrass: the first way is to treat each individual crown with RoundUp. You must be careful, because RoundUp will kill the grass around the dallisgrass as well. This way will save you a lot of time and manual labor, but be prepared to look at a dead spot in the yard for a little while until the healthy grass can fill back in. The other way you can remove dallisgrass is by digging it up. This way takes a bit longer, but you won’t have to wait for the weed to die off. After digging up the dallisgrass, just fill in the area with a little bit of riversand and the grass will fill back in the area over time. Be sure you get the entire root system so that it doesn’t grow back. We hope this helps!