Matthews Pest Control

Pest Control Program
You may be wondering how we can control pests inside your home by just treating the outside. With the exception of 2-3 bugs, all the pests you see inside your house come from the outside. By spraying a barrier around the entire house, we can stop them before they ever get in.
After the initial visit, all of our routine applications are made on the outside of your home to prevent pests from ever getting in. No more chemicals inside of your home!
During a regular visit, our technician sprays around the entire outside of your home, building a barrier. We also sweep the spider webs where we can reach. If we notice any unusual activity, we will make sure to let you know.
NON-TOXIC: Except to Bugs & Pests
“Is this pet safe?” is a very common question. Yes! We have designed the entire program around being safe for you and your family, both human and fur!
Exterior Applications - No Need To Be Home
Year-Round Protection
Non-Toxic - Except To Bugs & Pests
Fully Guarantee
No Contracts...No Commitments
Pests covered in this plan are as follows: ants, millipedes, spiders, roaches (excluding German), centipedes, earwigs, silverfish, house crickets, sowbugs, pillbugs. Our tech will sweep around the home for any in-reach webs. They will also knock down/spray any in-reach wasp nests while at the property (we cannot guarantee the reduction of flying insects in-between visits).
Only the pests listed above are covered in this plan. Separate treatments are available for German roaches, mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. We can also provide a free termite inspection and termite prevention program estimate upon request.
We also offer a mosquito control program as well as termite inspection and prevention services.
All structural pest control work is performed by Matthews Pest Control (#00157308).
No Contracts…No Commitments!
Call US For a Free Quote
(318) 286-0967