Solutions to Standing Water

Solutions to Standing Water

We’ve had a lot of rain lately! A common issue for homeowners after a rainy day is standing water in the yard. This can increase your chances of lawn fungus, pests, water-loving weeds, and even algae. Sometimes people want to level the yard out and try to...
How to Deal With Lawn Stickers

How to Deal With Lawn Stickers

We get a lot of questions about how to remove lawn stickers, one painful problem many people face during spring and summer. Lawn stickers are burs produced by burweed, and many people know them for getting stuck in their bare feet (ouch). Burweed is a weed that...
What Does a Yard Treated With Pre-emergents Look Like?

What Does a Yard Treated With Pre-emergents Look Like?

This is a great visual of a yard treated with pre-emergent herbicides and one without. When grass is dormant, you can easily see any weeds that are there, since they’re still green. Pre-emergents prevent weed seeds from growing and stop weeds from appearing in...
It’s Time to Trim Roses

It’s Time to Trim Roses

There are two times a year you can trim knockout and drift roses, August and February. Trimming them now will promote new growth during the spring blooming season. You’ll want to cut them to about half their size with a hand pruner or a hedge trimmer. When the...