Weed Identification: Marsh Parsley

Weed Identification: Marsh Parsley

Marsh parsley is one of our less talked about summer weeds. Cyclospermum leptophyllum, also known as marsh parsley, is an invasive summer weed and a member of the carrot family. It grows in moist areas, usually near standing water. It can be identified by its finely...
Outdoor Drain vs Floodwater

Outdoor Drain vs Floodwater

Watch how fast this outdoor drain deals with floodwater A flooded yard can cause problems in the future, such as lawn fungus, water-loving weeds, and grass-eating bugs. Sometimes flood water can collect near your foundation, absorbing into the soil there. If the soil...
Root Rot vs Brown Patch Lawn Fungus

Root Rot vs Brown Patch Lawn Fungus

We’ve seen a rainy week, with fall on the horizon. Right now, it’s important to know the signs of lawn fungus and how to identify it. Two main types of fungus cause issues here: take-all root rot and brown patch. Identification Brown patch: This fungus looks like...
Yellow Patches In Bermuda Grass

Yellow Patches In Bermuda Grass

This is scalped bermuda grass. When you don’t mow your bermuda weekly, it will grow higher than recommended between mows. If you allow it to grow higher than 3 inches, you’ll end up cutting most of the healthy, green grass away the next time you mow. This scalps the...
Why Do We Mulch?

Why Do We Mulch?

Video of laying mulch around treeSummer is a great time to talk about the importance of mulch (and pine straw). It’s common in almost every flower bed… but what are the benefits of mulch? Weeds: It helps prevent weeds by blocking sunlight from getting to weeds...