We are only a few days away from winter. While it might be warm right now, we’ve had enough cold days for grass to go dormant. You may be used to your yard turning yellow/brown every winter, but do you know why it happens?

The types of grass we have in Louisiana stops actively growing and slows development to adapt to the cold. It requires fewer resources to stay alive and protects the crowns (the part of the blade that touches the soil) from cold. Sometimes, grass goes dormant in summer as well if the conditions are extreme enough.

It may look alarming, but your lawn is probably not dead. If the color changed gradually and becomes yellow/brown all over, it’s probably dormant. You can double-check by tugging at a few blades. If the grass lifts away with no resistance, it could be dead. Dormant grass is still rooted and alive underground.

If your grass is currently dormant, you should continue to mow every other week, make sure water is draining properly, and rake up leaves and other debris. When spring comes, your yard should green up once again.

If you have any questions, let us know!

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