Fall is here, and tree leaves are everywhere. We highly recommend removing leaves from your lawns right now, especially if they’re covering the majority of your yard. A layer of leaves can trap moisture against your grass, which can cause fungus, mold, and moisture-loving weeds. A blanket of leaves can also smother the grass and prevent new growth in spring. Lastly, the more organic material you have, the more places bugs and other pests can hide.
You have a few options when it comes to dealing with your leaves. You can rake them/use a blower, and then throw them away in trash bags. You could also add them to compost for your flower beds or vegetable gardens. If you keep up with it, you can mow over your leaves, which breaks them into tiny pieces. This has been shown to add extra nutrients to the grass. You may have to mow more than once to properly mulch them, however.
We hope this helps! If you have any questions or need any help, let us know!
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