One of the weeds you may have noticed around lawns lately is Virginia buttonweed. This weed is a deep-rooted perennial, known for its small, white flowers that bloom in late summer and fall. It can be frustrating to deal with because it spreads by seed, roots, or stems. Like dallisgrass, pre-emergent herbicides don’t work well to prevent buttonweed.
According to LSU Ag Center, the first step in preventing Virginia buttonweed is to maintain healthy grass. Avoid stress caused by compaction, drought, overwatering, or improper mowing. Water deeply and infrequently, no more than 3 times a week. Your yard needs about 1 inch of water total, including rainfall.
To reduce compaction, consider core aeration. This process removes small cores of soil, which promotes healthy air and water flow. We have guides on our website that go over how to maintain a healthy lawn in detail.
If you do still end up with this weed, you should apply herbicides in April and May, before the weeds become mature and harder to kill.
If you have any questions or need help treating weeds, let us know! You can always DM us a pic on Facebook.
Learn more with our detailed guide: HERE