We’ve had one freeze recently and potentially another on the way. This means you might see some damaged-looking plants around town. There are articles on our website about how to protect your garden from freezing temps, but what should you do afterward?
Right after a freeze, damaged plants turn yellow and drop their leaves. This is normal and doesn’t mean the plant is dead. Most of your garden will come back, although tropicals typically suffer the most damage.
If you’re worried, you can gently scratch a stem or branch of your plant and if there’s still green underneath, that part of the plant is alive.
Wait until temperatures warm up completely and there’s no threat of frost before you do any trimming. Don’t be alarmed when you have to make major cutbacks to several of your plants. They may need a total reset to come back stronger and healthier.
It’s a good idea to feed your plants a quality slow-release fertilizer this spring. Make sure it is early and you don’t wait too long.
We hope this helps! If you’re worried about your plants and want advice, feel free to send us a picture or ask any questions you have below. Have a good one.